Monday, August 16, 2010

Step by Step Face Painting Guides For Non-Artists | Body Paint Photo

Even the best of them had to learn their craft. Artists like Rembrandt had to learn the basics. If you want to learn the art of painting faces, there is also much to learn painting the human face, which is not a flat white canvas, so there lies the BIG difference. But with a step by step face painting guide, you can.

So you are Not a Gifted Artist

Everyone can draw but not all have the gift. But when it comes to painting faces, there is no reason why you cannot learn the art. All you need is a step by step face paint guide to show you the way. There are ready-to-use face painting kits to help you create fun face pictures for starters.

These instructional face painting guides are available in painting books and how-to-videos that show the basic steps. For beginners, these instructional guides are very useful and fortunately they don't cost a fortune. Like the best of them, you will learn how to apply paint on faces and select brushes and paints. You can practice face paint creation on paper just to see how well you can swing it before you face a child's face.

You might be surprised that you can actually do it by following the step by step face paint instructions from books and videos. For a pirate design, the guide will give you the number of colors to use and the tools needed to create an unshaven effect, an eye patch, bandanna, and an ugly scar for the fierce pirate look. Once you have achieved the desired look, you can conclude that even the simplest instructions can make you an artist.

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